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Local Obesity-related Researches and Publications
Epidemiology of Obesity in Hong Kong
Diet quality is inversely associated with obesity in Chinese adults with type 2 diabetes.
Lorena TF Cheung, Ruth SM Chan, Gary TC Ko, Eric SH Lau, Francis CC Chow & Alice PS Kong
Nutrition Journal 2018:17:63
Hong Kong Chinese adults’ knowledge of exercise recommendations and attitudes towards exercise
Wong MK, Cheng SYR, Chu TK, Lee CN, Liang J
BJGP Open 2017; 1(2):bjgpopen17X100929
Association between physical activity knowledge and levels of physical activity in Chinese adults with type 2 diabetes
Stanley Sai-Chuen Hui, Grace Pui-Sze Hui, Yao Jie Xie
PLoS One 2015; 10(4):e0124701
Changes in individual weight status based on body mass index and waist circumference in Hong Kong Chinese
Ho LM, Wang MP, Ho SY, Lam TH
PLoS One 2015; 10(3):e0119827
Television viewing time in Hong Kong adult population: associations with body mass index and obesity
Yao Jie Xie, Sunita M Stewart, Tai Hing Lam, Kasisomayajula Viswanath, Sophia S Chan
PLoS One 2014; 9(1):e85440
Prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular risk factors in Hong Kong professional drivers
Siu SC, Wong KW, Lee KF, Lo YY, Wong CK, Chan AK, Fong DY, Lam CL
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2012; 96(1):60-67
Risk associations of obesity with sugar-sweetened beverages and lifestyle factors in Chinese: the 'Better Health for Better Hong Kong' health promotion campaign
Ko GT, So WY, Chow CC, Wong PT, Tong SD, Hui SS, Kwok R, Chan A, Chan CL, Chan JC; BHBHK Research Committee
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2010; 64:1386-1392
Worsening trend of central obesity despite stable or declining body mass index in Hong Kong Chinese between 1996 and 2005
Ko GT, Tang JS, Chan JC
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2010; 64(5):549-552
Cutoff values for central obesity in Chinese based on mesenteric fat thickness.
Ko GT, Liu KH, So WY, Tong PC, Ma RC, Ozaki R, Kong AP, Yeung CY, Yang X, Ho CS, Chu WC, Chan JC
Clinical Nutrition 2009; 28(6):679-683
Serum total and bioavailable testosterone levels, central obesity, and muscle strength changes with aging in healthy Chinese men
Chu LW, Tam S, Kung AW, Lo S, Fan S, Wong RL, Morley JE, Lam KS
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2008; 56(7):1286-1291
Dietary habits, physical activity and obesity in Hong Kong residents
Chow CC
Obesity Reviews 2008; 9 Suppl 1:104-106
The cost of obesity in Hong Kong.
Obesity Reviews 2008; 9 Suppl 1:74-77
Burden of obesity--lessons learnt from Hong Kong Chinese.
Ko GT, Chan JC
Obesity Reviews 2008; 9 Suppl 1:35-40
Association between sleeping hours, working hours and obesity in Hong Kong Chinese: the 'better health for better Hong Kong' health promotion campaign
Ko GT, Chan JC, Chan AW, Wong PT, Hui SS, Tong SD, Ng SM, Chow F, Chan CL
International Journal of Obesity 2007; 31(2):254-260
Metabolic syndrome in the Hong Kong community: the United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service primary healthcare programme 2001-2002
Ko GT, Tang JS
Singapore Medical Journal 2007; 48(12):1111-1116
Waist circumference and BMI cut-off based on 10-year cardiovascular risk: evidence for "central pre-obesity"
Ko GT, Tang JS
Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007; 15(11):2832-2839
Associations between dietary habits and risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in a Hong Kong Chinese working population--the "Better Health for Better Hong Kong" (BHBHK) health promotion campaign
Ko GT, Chan JC, Tong SD, Chan AW, Wong PT, Hui SS, Kwok R, Chan CL
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2007;16(4):757-765
Low levels of awareness of suboptimal health conditions in a high-risk working population: the "better health for better Hong Kong" health promotion campaign
Ko GT, Chan JC, Chan AW, Wong PT, Hui SS, Tong SD, Chow F, Chan CL
Int J Behav Med 2007; 14(2):63-69
Obesity, physical activity, and mortality in a prospective Chinese elderly cohort
Schooling CM, Lam TH, Li ZB, Ho SY, Chan WM, Ho KS, Tham MK, Cowling BJ, Leung GM
Archives of Internal Medicine 2006; 166(14):1498-1504
Metabolic syndrome by the international diabetes federation definition in Hong Kong Chinese
Ko GTC, Cockram CS, Chow CC, Yeung V, Chan WB, So WY, Chan NN, Chan JCN
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2006; 73(1):58-64
Prevalence of obesity, overweight and underweight in Hong Kong community – the United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service (UCNCHS) primary health care program 1996-1997
Ko GTC, Tang JSF
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2006; 15(2):236-241
Validity of body mass index and waist circumference in the classification of obesity as compared to percent body fat in Chinese middle-aged women
Chen YM, Ho SC, Lam SS, Chan SS
International Journal of Obesity 2006; 30(6):918-925
The US National Cholesterol Education Programme Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III) prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in a Chinese population
Thomas GN, Ho SY, Janus ED, Lam KS, Hedley AJ, Lam TH; Hong Kong Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence Study Steering Committee
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2005; 67(3):251-257
High Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome In Hong Kong Chinese – Comparison Of Three Diagnostic Criteria
Ko GTC, Cockram CS, Chow CC, Yeung V, Chan WB, So WY, Chan NN, Chan JCN
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2005; 69(2):160-168
Associations between food variety and body fatness in Hong Kong Chinese adults
Sea MM, Woo J, Tong PC, Chow CC, Chan JC
Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2004; 23(5):404-413
Lower BMI cut-off value to define obesity in Hong Kong Chinese: an analysis based on body fat assessment by bioelectrical impedance
Ko GT, Tang J, Chan JC, Sung R, Wu MM, Wai HP, Chen R
British Journal of Nutrition 2001; 85(2):239-242
Body mass index profile in Hong Kong Chinese adults
Ko GT, Wu MM, Tang J, Wai HP, Chan CH, Chen R
Ann Acad Med Singapore 2001; 30(4):393-396
Body fat determination by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and its relation to body mass index and waist circumference in Hong Kong Chinese
He M, Tan KC, Li ET, Kung AW
International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 2001; 25(5):748-752
Waist circumference as a screening measurement for overweight or centrally obese Chinese
Ko GT, Chan JC, Woo J, Cockram CS
International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 1996; 20(8):791-792